Amends and YouTube

As I have been in various recovery groups, I am trying to blend the different programs together. At this point I don’t know who to make Amends to. The challenge that I have is how to explain the difference between an accountability partner, sponsor or Temporary Sponsor.

I think I will wait for about two weeks, and revisit this subject in two weeks. After all at the end of the reading it says something about how Jesus Christ will help us. I will pray about it, and maybe I will see about changing programs in the future.

As I wait for things to take shape in my mind, I will go ahead and talk about my problems with YouTube. It was playing clips fine a few days ago. I love using YouTube on my Apple iPad. But when I tried it again yesterday it was still coming up Playback Error Tap Again to Retry. I have contacted YouTube about the error, and I have looked at my Apple iPad.

My options for today today include the following.

1) My Apple iPad
2) The GHCGuest account on our network
3) YouTube

Normally I love to do either the 8 Recovery Principles by Pastor Rick Warren or play the 12 Steps on YouTube. I like to listen to music, and I have Run To The Battle by Steve Camp and The Road to Recovery by Rick Muchow and the Saddleback Church Band. I won’t be able to do that right now because of my YouTube.

I believe that I am still a Gamblers Anonymous member. I wish I had a Yellow Combo Book, but not at this time.

I could always contact someone at Westminster Presbyterian Church. They have two services this morning. One is early, and then another at eleven.

My plans today include Breakfast and Lunch in the Dining Room, Church Service in the clasroom at two, and then Dinner in the Dining Room tonight. Plans might change between now and Tuesday Afternoon when I get picked up by Alpha One in one of their wheelchair Vans for a ride down to my eye appointment at 2:30 on Timberlake Way.

I probably won’t revisit the Amends Meditation for another thirty days. Today was Day 15, which means tomorrow will be Day 16.

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